Monday, July 30, 2012


i was thrilled to have been given the opportunity to design a wedding identity with a rather odd color and chocolate!

the wedding stationery set designed mainly based on the bride's personality; strong and not too feminine. she is after all, a gorgeous engineer ;)

i designed the bride's dress which was made by a very talented team, and i also made the hand bouquet. i prepared 2 options but decided at the last minute that this simple, monotone bouquet looked better with the dress. the other one, made with blue hydrangeas i thought would have looked too 'matchy-matchy" with the cake ;)

i also designed and decorated the 2-tier deliciously decadent chocolate fudge wedding cake...

i kept the decor simple by just using lots of blue hydrangeas to compliment the baby blue cherry blossoms on the cake

 mini main table signage...

and the main entrance signage. the wedding venue was decorated by yet another very talented team who designed the decor based on my wedding invitation thrilled ;)


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